Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The blog is moving...

...to its new home, our own domain, NJMQG.com. All of our updates and guild information will be updated there from now on. Head on over and check it out!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

August meeting recap

 Whew, what a meeting!  Not only were there fabulous show-and-tells, but we made it through a lot of official Guild business.  It must mean good things are ahead when you don’t know where to start.  First, check us out on our Facebook page and join in on the conversation.  Don’t worry, everything important will still be posted on the blog, but this is a great place to have informal conversations, and it’s a space to grow relationships.  Of course, if you share a beautiful project on Facebook, please be sure to bring it to the meeting so that we all can see! This group is members-only, so to join just send a request and Ashley or Melanie will approve it and give you access.

After some healthy debate and explanation, we voted to approve our bylaws! They will be available to all members on a private part of our soon-to-be-launched new website. We can amend them at any time with a vote, but they are a necessary part of our organization moving forward. Thanks to everyone for sticking with it and getting them approved.

We are super close to filing our official application to become a chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild. We now have an EIN, bylaws, article of incorporation from the state and just need to get our bank account. We will be sure to update you all at the September meeting on the 26th at 7PM.

Let’s recap our show and tell!

Margy continues to wow us with her creativity and perfect piecing.  Her first quilt, a Picnic blanket was inspired by linen samples that she just had.  Don’t we all long for a quilt this beautiful from yardage we have laying around?

If you thought they couldn’t get more beautiful, check out her next quilt:  “View of the City”.  Margy made this quilt top as a part of the Madrona Road Challenge.  She originally showed us the city scape portion of the quilt, and even though we didn’t think she could make it even more amazing she showed us she could.  Simply stunning!

Sue brought in a beauty that’s been on her design wall since last September.  I’m sure we all agree that we’re so glad it’s done and ready to share!  She shared that she loves color and nothing brings her more bliss than just putting color up and seeing what happens.  In fact, she can’t remember the last time she followed a pattern.  No need to follow a pattern when you create something this spectacular!

Ashley brought back her Granny Square quilt that she finished quilting after a summer in North Carolina quilting with her grandparents.  Throughout the quilt there are blocks representing family members for the newest cousin.  Not only was she celebrating a finish – as a newer quilter, but she was ecstatic that this was the first time she quilted something other than straight lines.  

In fact, she brought in a few samples of free-motion quilting samples she had been working on and it won’t be long before they show up on an actual quilt!

Get ready for this one, folks.  Melissa made this beauty in an afternoon.  I know.  I’m thinking the same thing:  share some of that quilting mojo, Melissa!  She used a new method for making half-square triangle where you make 4 at a time.  Even though she was originally worried about cutting the edges on the bias, she swears it was easier to line up the seams.  We all believe you since it came together in an afternoon!

Sue started quilting a year and a half ago in Beth’s class, and there was a challenge to use solids.  She decided to create these darling placemats with cups on them!  Everyone shared an audible gasp over these adorable placemats, and laughed in appreciate when she said that, “No one is allowed to use them.”  We completely understand!

Daniela who created our beautiful new logo brought in two Flags she had created.  In the first one she used a gorgeous combination of blues and greens, and then wowed us with the second one that she improvised.  She says that she cursed in her head and learned so much while creating this adorable flag, but it looks too perfect to be difficult!  

Then, in a moment we all love to see, she shared her first finished quilt!  She recently finished Melanie’s Quilting 101 class to “put all the pieces together” and even though her kids love to roll on it, she stated definitively that it’s hers!  

When Amy got up to share this next quilt there was an audible gasp.  “The Nest” is a stunning pattern  she got from Suchity Such blog - http://suchitysuch.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-nest-quilt-is-available.html made even more beautiful by the solid fabric and circle quilting she chose.  She said it’s a mixture of her loves, a glue stick, and a little sewing.  We all thought it was perfection.

As if it couldn’t get any better, she shared a quilt that has been in various stages of completion for years.  She’s been designing it, ripping it out, and starting over for multiple years, and it’s sat in pieces for 2 years in her mother’s house.  In fact, once she got the final vision, she snuck into her mother’s house and stole the quilt because she didn’t want her mother to freak out.  It’s safe to say that now no one would freak out with this final product!  In fact, we couldn’t decide what we liked better  - the front or the back.

Kourtney shared sentimental stories of going through her grandmother’s basement where she found many of her great-grandmother’s belongings.  She found a special brooch, and a lot of her embroidery, knitting, and apparel. Now we all know where her talent comes from!  In one of the best moments of th enight, she shared an embroidered piece of her great-grandmothers that was in German and a guild member translated it:  “The fun begins with lust.”  

Kortney also found a quilt her great grandmother had made and now she’s fixing the tacking so that it will continue to be treasured for years to come.  She also showed us the progress on her Skull Quilt, and some of the fabrics on the back are from her great-grandmother’s stash!  How special is that?

Diane wowed us with her love of bright colors, and she shared that even though she loves bright colors, she tried to tone it down with a black and white polka dot on the back.  We all agreed that her choices were perfect on both sides.

After looking at her god-child’s registry for her upcoming wedding, JoAnn started working on a quilt using the colors she found on the registry.  After creating 4 blocks, she decided, “I can’t give this away.”  Her husband thought this was crazy, but after seeing it himself he had to agree.  We all decided that we agreed too!
Now, with the bridal shower just three weeks away, she made another quilt!  We all adored the Poppies and we know the bride will love receiving such a beautiful and thoughtful gift!

Carol came for the first time and braved the crowd to share her stunning Twisted Sister quilt.  Much to our disappointment, the fabrics were all 10 – 15 years old.  She also shared a beautiful self-portrait quilt that left us all in awe!  Of course, we couldn’t help but notice that she sat through the meeting making gorgeous jewelry which means she’s right at home in Rock, Paper, Scissors!

Judy shared a wonderful project she made as a “quick project” with another guild and then peaked all of our interest with a box.  She promised that we would all want to take it home, and she was right!  Of course we all need a vintage sewing machine clock!  

Then she shared a scrap project where she looked through all of her scraps and started creating a scrap quilt by colors.  In fact, she’s started a pink one and we can’t wait to see it!  Another plus of using your scraps is that you get to buy new fabric!

Anne shared her own totes that she created in the same workshop as Judy, which she originally thought she’d donate, but decided it was hers.  You made the right choice, Anne!

She also shared an adorable wall hanging that’s cute enough to eat.  Literally.  

Then a beautiful guild challenge where you take a photo of yourself, and then extend the photo into the quilt.  How stunning is this quilt from a photo taken during her childhood at her grandmother’s house?

And then, she created a quilt inspired by her own home.  I don’t know which one I want to see more – this quilt, or her home.  How stunning!

Josie continues to wow us with her use of color as she shared the completed top she brought in the first time she came!  Her niece can’t wait to receive this quilt and we can’t blame her! 

For the back, she put all the scraps together, and even though she didn’t have enough of the letter fabric we all agreed that the design was perfect!  

Andrea shared a genius invention that had us all leaving with envy.  She participated in an online swap for pincushions and her partner created one with a center holder!  

She also shared her first quilt that stepped out of the traditional box made a few years ago entitled “Urban Playground.”

Peggy received an audible sigh from the group when she shared her recent troubles with a beautiful quilt she is making where she used the wrong white for the sashing.  After seeing it in the light, it had to go back in the box because, “While it would have been OK when I first started quilting, it’s not now.”  We all understood, but can’t wait to see it with the correct white!

And, last but not least, Melanie shared her first published pattern!  Spaced Out is a free download for Cloud 9 and you all should try it as it comes together quickly and it’s a great showcase for your favorite fabrics. 

Each month show-and-tell continues to inspire and wow each member.  We hope you’re all ready for the September meeting!  Be on the lookout for our new website which is coming soon! And be sure to work on those Challenge blocks for The Land That Never Was.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Logo vote... We have a winner!

Here it is, our new NJMQG logo:

Thanks to everyone who voted and a huge thank you to Daniela for her designs.
We'll keep you updated on our progress as we continue to update and streamline our communication process.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Next Logo Vote... Colors!

It was a close vote, but solids won, 17-13.

Here is our next and last vote. Which color palette do you prefer? Voting is open until Thursday at 11PM.

Rainbow colors:

Or colors that match the palette of The Modern Quilt Guild:
Rainbow colors win! 20-9

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Challenge: The Land That Never Was

At Thursday's monthly meeting, we announced our latest challenge! Cloud9 Fabrics has partnered with the NJMQG to show off the skills of our members as well as some new designer fabric.

The Land That Never Was is the latest line of organic quilting cotton from Lisa Congdon for Cloud9 Fabrics. Participants in the challenge got to blindly pick three fat eighths from the collection to make into a block. They can use just the prints and Kona White to make a block that is 12.5 inches on two sides, whether length or width. They can make the other dimension as big or small as they like.

Blocks are due at the September meeting on Thursday the 26th. Winners will be chosen by Michelle and Gina of Cloud9, and we will be announcing a prize from Rock Paper Scissors! All of the blocks will be collected and made into a quilt to be donated to a worthy cause.

I can't wait to see what our challenge participants do with the bold colors and imaginative characters! There's also some great text prints. Stay tuned.

P.S. We have a little bit of fabric left! Contact me at melintheattic(at)gmail.com if you're a NJMQG member and would like to participate!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Logo vote: open until Tuesday night

It's logo voting time! We are working on the identity of the guild and need some help with the details. Today and tomorrow we'll vote on the design, and Wednesday and Thursday we'll decide on the colors.

Here are our choices.

Dotted "stitch" lines:
Or solid letters:
Vote for your favorite below by Tuesday at 11:59PM. We'll announce the winner and move on to colors.

UPDATE: Solids win! 17-13

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bylaws approved!

Just wanted to say a huge "THANK YOU!!" to all of you who took the time to slog through reading the Bylaws so carefully, and giving your thoughtful  feedback tonight. It is very helpful to hear from those who've been through this before.  Much appreciated!

For those who couldn't make it to the meeting, the Bylaws with the revisions voted in at the meeting, were approved! One step closer to joining the national MQG - so we're still on track for a September application.

You all ROCK!! Is that the current expression? I know it's not "You're the Bomb" any more. And certainly not "You're so Boss!"   :-))

It's great to be part of such a cooperative and FUN group!


Monday, August 19, 2013

Much to discuss

Guild members might have noticed an influx of emails from me as we hurdle toward Thursday's meeting. I say hurdle because it feels like we have so much to talk about and I find myself trying to figure out the best way to stay organized and get the most done quickly!

Here are the highlights of what the executive board is working on, and what we'll need from you.

  • BYLAWS! Yes, they're drawn up and ready for a general vote. We ask that each of you check your email for a link from me that contain the document that will soon become our bylaws. Read it over before the meeting and bring your notes, concerns, issues, etc. If you'd rather email me about bylaws, please do so at melintheattic(at)gmail.com
  • Facebook The other email from me, sent last night, is about our private Facebook group, a totally informal place to share information and high fives between meetings. It is not mandatory and all important information will be communicated first here and via email. But if you want to show off your latest finish, ask a question of a member or publicize something quilty, this is the place. It is only open to members.
  • Logos! We will be seeing some versions of the new NJMQG logo (designed by the fabulous Daniela DiIorio), and we need member help to settle on some details of the design. 
  • Block challenge We are very excited to have a sponsored block challenge. I will not spoil anything, but there will be prizes.
Don't forget a chair, a nametag and something quilted for show and tell! I am usually not a fan of exclamation points, but look how many I've used! It's going to be great.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July Wrap-up

Hi, everyone!  Our July meeting was the first one run by our new leadership team, and it was exciting!

Lots of great show and tell this month, but first, some news and announcements:

Bylaws are in their second draft, and when complete, will be presented to the guild for an approval vote.

Garden State Quilters are having Victoria Findlay Wolfe on 11/11/13 and have extended an invitation to our guild!  Thanks! More info will follow.

We will be having monthly challenges starting next month!

There have been two more calls for flags in the style of "To Boston with Love".  The first is for Lac-Megantic in Quebec Canada, where a train explosion devastated the town.  It is requested that flags be in the colors of blue and green and other cool colors so as not to remind victims of the flames.  These flags are due on 8/12 and can be dropped off at RPS. The second is for more "To Boston with Love" flags to be hung at the UN on International Peace Day.  These flags are due at our next meeting.

To make flags, follow the tutorial at the Vancouver MQG site.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe and Simplicity are doing a double wedding ring challenge...just in case you were interested.  You can find more info here Double Wedding Ring Challenge.

Philly Sew-Down is 9/6-9/8.  I think there are a few spots left!

Free motion quilting class Thursday 8/1 @ 6:30 pm.  Call RPS for more info.

Welcome to our guest Sharon!  We hope you enjoyed your visit.

Reminder if you didn't make it to the July meeting:  existing members please bring $8 to our August meeting to cover dues for our affiliation with the national Modern Quilt Guild.

Now for some amazing show and tell this month:

Andrea showed off some super cool mini quilts.  The first was from Rayna's class with the Warwick guild about slashing up a block and making it into something new.

The second was her puzzle block "Don't be a Square".  This super cute block uses beads between the puzzle pieces to keep them floating. (This block was really a crowd pleaser and a 3rd prize winner in a quilt show).

Next up was her Frank Lloyd Wright window block (So modern!).

An alphabet challenge block: "Crazy Colorful Circles Colliding Create a Chaotic Constellation".

Crossed canoes is another prize winning (1st!) mini quilt that was hand quilted.

Last, but not least, this amazing mini quilt with cathedral windows, flying geese, and appliquéd hexagons.  Amazing work to say the least!

Josie made a one-of-a-kind super meaningful gift for her mom in this gorgeous photo quilt.

Michelle showed off a wall hanging from her class with Kaffe Fassett at NJ Quilt Fest.

 She also whipped up some adorable little bags with her free fabric from Cloud 9!  So adorable!

Lucky Betsy attended Quilting by the Lake where she worked with Katie Pasquini Masopust and actually painted first and then slashed and sewed the canvases.  For someone who has never painted before, these were awfully impressive!

Peggy showed off an adorable NYC themed wine holder which she made for her godson who is moving to Prague.  She also showed off her first quilt that she has completed in 35 years!  This was her solids challenge quilt from the newbees group, and Peggy completely free motion quilted it!  It was amazing!

Daniela brought in a super soft, super pretty Nani Iro lap duvet.  She also spoke a little bit about her blocks from an improv class with Denyse Schmidt.  It was a real learning process, and something that I think a lot of us could use.  Not having enough time to over-think a block, but just to sew and make it work.

Jo Ann brought in a little sample showing how cathedral windows can be done by machine.

Pat showed off her 120 piece quilt.

Melissa shared some improv patchwork from the Makerie class with Heather Jones.  She pointed out how the neutrals help to make all the colors relaxed and pretty.  I agree!

Sue showed off her pool bag made with lamintes from RPS.  She also showed off her challenge quilt for the NYMQG: what "metro" means to you.  This beauty was done in all hand dyed fabrics.

Dawn showed her pumpkin wall hanging that won to ribbons and a 1st place in a Vermont quilt show! Someone is looking forward to fall!

Caroline donated a magazine (thanks!) and showed off her black and white quilt.  So pretty!

Jane made a great quilt using some 2" squares that she had that "sat on a shelf for years".  Way to stash bust, Jane!

Annette had a stunning Madrona Road quilt to show us.  Way to use that challenge fabric!

Melanie showed off her Pigeon quilts for her boys.  Those are two lucky boys and two good looking quilts!  I mean really, who doesn't love the pigeon!?

I think I have thought of a name for my show and tell.  I'm going to call it my Fit Quilt, because after buying a new home and painting and spackling when I should have been piecing and quilting for a month, I was going to have a hissy fit if I didn't just sit and sew.  This was a break for me and my "everything just so" habits.  It felt pretty good to just let go and let it grow.

Next meeting is August 22, 2013 7pm @ RPS.  See you then, and bring something good for show and tell!
